Thursday, June 23, 2011

Waiting Beneath the Rush

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A night full of dreaming.
A head in the clouds.
Clamped inside - pressure.

A day in Freedom,
aware of this new,

Morning quiet,
of a girl,
waiting beneath the rush.

To speak & move
brimming with life,
freely active.

Sometimes, letting gravity lead,
is like breathing,
after being in a smoke-filled room.
A breath-
A welcome respite,
for tired muscles.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

An Illustration of Freedom

Like real life, dance is multi-dimensional, never flat. It draws something from the very depths of my being and ignites the person that Christ created me to be.

It reminds me that the Lord adorns those that He loves, as a symbol of the beautiful mystery Who lives in His new creations - namely Jesus Christ. The creator, beauty-maker, ferocious healer, our God. His Spirit faithfully leads.

He is in us, and we are in Him. He dances over us, He is faithful to no end.

For me, there are moments onstage when I've expended so much energy that I feel like I'm going to puke. Heat molecules dash to escape my pores, as if I were a little engine. In the midst of all this dashing, leaping, spinning, hoisting, movement, is the Spirit. Though He is active, He also brings an inner stillness, a grounding force. He allows me to see beyond the exhaustion to dance.

In life, He allows me to see more than mere circumstances into a Joy that comes from knowing I am made new. Because of Him, I have the ability to choose freedom, when before I did not. Movement can illustrate this freedom.

I am in Him, and He is in me, and it is my honor to dance and live in my Creator.

"If we are faithless, He will remain faithful, for He cannot disown Himself."
                                                        -2 Timothy 2:13